5 Myths on Home Childcare
1. Childcare in the home is babysitting! Pure Hearts is not babysitting. We provide childcare with an enrichment program utilizing a Christian Preschool curriculum. This program prepares your child for kindergarten.
2. The caregivers are not qualified! In the state of Michigan, if you are providing care for more than 1 child you are to be licensed. The license requires a number of hours to be trained and consulted with and requires 10 CEU’s per year to be attained. Pure Hearts is licensed, CPR certified with a B.A. I also have 4 children.
3. The quality is not good! In a home, a small setting compared to a center, a provider can offer a smaller child to caregiver ratio. So, if you know your child is an introvert, shy or may just need extra attention for whatever it may be, this setting would be a better fit. Pure Hearts operates above state guidelines by providing care for less the amount of children the state allow. We also are apart of a quality tiered program called Great Start To Quality. This program ensures your child has a quality childcare program by educating, consulting and most importantly encouraging the childcare provider. Currently, Pure Hearts is a 3-star rated home childcare provider, which is the highest in our zip code!
4. They’re not safe! The state of Michigan requires certain things to be met before distributing a license and safety is one of them. The state consultant inspects the entire inside and outside of the home and certain modifications and test are needed to pass the inspection. Pure Hearts is a child safe home, everything that was required by the state has been met. For an example: Radon Test performed, Carbon monoxide monitor installed, smoke detectors installed, Fire extinguisher installed, safety locks, safety gates and so forth...., You can rest assure that Pure Hearts will keep your child safe!
5. They’re Inexpensive! All I can say is that you get what you pay for! Don’t risk your child’s safety or development because you desire care that’s inexpensive or cheap. You love your child I’m sure and you want the best. Don’t settle for a caregiver who sits your child in front of the Television, watching God knows what, eating candy and potato chips. Pure Hearts will facilitate the appropriate milestones via our curriculum and pretend play to prepare your child for a good Kindergarten experience. We also provide healthy nutritional meals/snacks so that your child grows nice and strong. We partner with a food program who assists us with a guideline to ensure your child is eating nutritious meals.
By Lakesha Montano